QR Code Scanning is not Feasible on eReaders

Dear Team,

I was really looking forward to sink my picks across to my eInk device (Boox Lumi). Unfortunately this is not possible as this device does NOT have a camera.

Could you please add a textbox where a user can type in the code represented by the QR code?

My primary reason for signing up with Memex was the desire to be able to read articles on my eReader, which is excellent for reading, not so much for surfing. In other words, it is a lot easier to search on my laptop and skim articles quickly, but I’d much prefer to do the reading on the eInk device.

Many thanks in advance!

ps. Oliver, I still owe you a response, which I will type up as soon as I get a few deadlines out of the way.

Not yet possible, but we are going to overhaul the sync soon and make the pairing possible by simply logging in.

Will let you know when that is done.