Problem with Sync

To get your bug fixed faster please try to answer the following questions:

  1. Which browser, operating system and versions of those are you using?
    browser: chrome 86.0.4240.75 64bit

OS: win 10 enterprise 1803

  1. Which version of Memex are you running?
    pro(yearly) but I am still in the 14 day trial period. Hey I like the service, so it was an logical decision to opt in for the pro plan.

  2. What are the steps you took that lead to the bug?
    the Bug:
    I attempted setting up the sync between an android tablet [running the app, of course] and my PC running on the same network. I scanned the QR code and the process went through steps 1 & 2 on the site but ended with a “dataerror: failed to read large IndexedDB value”

I’d appreciate any help with resolving this issue.

Hey Merentha!

Was this error message appearing on the mobile app, or on the extension side?
Can you also make a screenshot of the background page, when this happens?

To do so go to. chrome://extensions > enable developer mode > Memex > Details > background page > console

clear it before you start with the little “trash” icon, then start the sync and then make a screenshot of the log. That would be incredibly helpful.

Thanks and sorry for the long wait. I’ll extend you trial for sure!

After I used it for the first time on my company’s computer, I came home and edge browser could sync all the records, but Google Chrome was empty after syncing, with the same account