Pdf annotations don't go to readwise

To get your bug fixed faster please try to answer the following questions:

  1. Which browser, operating system and versions of those are you using?
    Firefox (newest windows one)
  2. Which version of Memex are you running?
    Newest one I think, firefox extension
  3. What are the steps you took that lead to the bug?
    Use pdf annotation on for example https://rohinshah.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Reward_Combination_NeurIPS_2019_Workshop_Camera_Ready.pdf
    => Nothing I underline or note down appears in Readwise.

Sorry for the ridiculously late reply.
We were occupied fully at launching a completely overhauled sync on October 11.
From then on you can sync as many devices as you want, have auto-backup and saving and annotating stuff on tablets available.

From in 2 weeks on we’ll focus for an extended period of time on improving the UX of the core workflows and fix bugs like this. :v:t4: