Password field is not recognized as such by Chrome

To get your bug fixed faster please try to answer the following questions:

  1. Which browser, operating system and versions of those are you using?
    Chrome, Windows 10
  2. Which version of Memex are you running?
  3. What are the steps you took that lead to the bug?
    Downloaded the plug in for the first time. Went into “account”. Added my email address, and subsequent details. I right clicked on the password field, but Chorme didn’t give me suggested passwords. I then randomly typed in some characters which weren’t saved and I have no idea what it is :blush:

Hey Edo!

You need to restore the password. To do that you need to log out and then go to “my account” again to log in. There you have the field to “reset password”.

It’s a bit of a pain bc browser extensions block any other browser extension or injection to work. So in the future we need to have this as an iframe instead. Sorry!