Cannot find the "restore backup" option

Also, memex got updated automatically and I have lost all of my bookmarks. I need to restore the last backup.

This is odd. The update should not have been deleting your bookmarks. How did you determine that they are deleted?

Can you try to restart (not delete and re-install) the extension? For that go to chrome://extensions and disable/re-enable memex.

The restore option needs to be redone with the new data model updates and SHOULD not even be necessary anymore.

If the restart fails, can we hop on a 15min call to figure things out?

The dashboard was empty.

I have already reinstalled the extension thinking that it might fix it (the restore option) but it didnā€™t. I do have the old backup folder. If there is any way to restore it, please let me know.

even i am facing the same issue
I cant find the restore option , could you please how to restore??

I am having this same issue. When I first logged in, I clicked ā€œsyncā€ but none of my old folders or items came over and Iā€™m unable to restore because the option is not given to me under settings > backup and restore.

Ah ok, yeah that is the problem. All data is stored locally.
We removed the restore function for now because it would cause a lot of issues data wise that we havenā€™t fixed/tackled, if people did restore to a device and then start the sync.

There is a workaround you can try:
Download an old version of the Firefox extension (2.19.5), restore it there, then upgrade to 3.0.4.
Then install the extension fresh on whatever browser you want, and login to that device with the account you used in the Firefox extension.

I was able to restore my local data with this method (installing old version and restoring then updating again) but now Iā€™m seeing only new folders and new items syncing to my phone. The older items that were restored are accessible through the browser extension but not through the mobile app.

Can reproduce the problem, the sync from phone to desktop should work fine though. We hope to fix it soon. Itā€™s a problem that only (some) users experience that migrated from the old system.

The old version no longer exists in the cited link. Is there an alternative way to restore a Memex backup today?

Hey Bazyli

I uploaded the old version to here:

Lmk if it works.