I'm using memex cloud sync but thinking of moving back to google drive sync. How can I do this without losing data since the folder is hidden?

I’m using memex cloud sync but thinking of moving back to google drive sync. How can I do this without losing data since the folder is hidden?

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Just to be clear: memex google drive integration is not a sync, just a backup.

Since the Memex Sync with the mobile phone is still early, every input would help tremendously.
Why doesn’t it fit your needs and how would you want to improve it?

I actually didnt directly address your question, sorry about that.
The sync between your phone and google drive are separate from each other, so one does not influence the other.

If you want to disable sync, just remove all devices from the list in settings > sync

How can I sync my browser history among different computers. Is there any difference between using Google Drive and Memex cloud sync?


Answered in your other thread.