Could not login to memex, hence highlighting and annotations stop working

To get your bug fixed faster please try to answer the following questions:

  1. Which browser, operating system and versions of those are you using?
    Edge, windows 10
  2. Which version of Memex are you running?
    memex version: 2.17.5
  3. What are the steps you took that lead to the bug?
    A while ago I found that highlight & annotate was not working, then I went to extension settings, tried the “Login to Memex”, after I successfully typed in the password, the page went back to initial captions: “Login or Create Account”, “To create an account, type in a new email address”. I checked the network tag in Devtools, “verifyPassword” successfully got a response:

{“kind”: “identitytoolkit#VerifyPasswordResponse”,
“localId”: xxx,
“email”: xxx,
“displayName”: xxx,
“idToken”: xxx,
“registered”: true,
“refreshToken”: xxx,
“expiresIn”: “3600”

And “getAccountInfo” got a response:

{“kind”: “identitytoolkit#GetAccountInfoResponse”,
“users”: [{“localId”: xxx,
“email”: xxx,
“displayName”: xxx,
“passwordHash”: xxx,
“emailVerified”: true,
“passwordUpdatedAt”: 1621779037903,
“providerUserInfo”: [{
“providerId”: “password”,
“displayName”: xxx,
“federatedId”: xxx,
“email”: xxx,
“rawId”: xxx}],
“validSince”: “1621779037”,
“lastLoginAt”: “1621851759018”,
“createdAt”: “1592884808587”,
“customAttributes”: “{“subscriptions”:{},“subscriptionStatus”:null,“subscriptionExpiry”:null,“features”:{},“lastSubscribed”:null}”,
“lastRefreshAt”: “2021-05-24T10:22:39.018Z”}]}.

There’s some error messages in console too:

An unknown error occurred when fetching the script.
options.js:formatted:31080 {side: “extension-page-options”, packet: {…}, port: {…}}
e. @ options.js:formatted:31080
messageResponder @ options.js:formatted:4418
options.html#/account:1 Error in event handler: Error: No registered remote function called removeHighlights
at messageResponder (chrome-extension://abkfbakhjpmblaafnpgjppbmioombali/options.js:5:60423)